Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recycle Your Thanksgiving Grease

C.A.R. Green Tip of the Week: Thanksgiving grease

Recycling cooking grease, especially if you're a fan of those giant turkey fryers, is a better option than clogging sinks and sewers. One use for the goo is powering biodiesel vehicles. Type in “cooking oils” at to find recycling centers.


Friday, October 15, 2010


OPEN HOUSE -- SATURDAY 10/16/2010 -- 11 AM - 3 PM

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Now is a great time to buy a home.

Time Magazine was very pessimistic in its recent cover piece that called into question the benefits of homeownership. The real facts are now is a great time to buy. Moreover, tomorrow will be a great time to own, as the fundamental strength of homeownership has not changed in 100 years.

Why is now a great time to buy?

Buyers can get a great deal. Prices are down 30 percent on average, and are at a level that makes sense for potential buyer’s income.

Mortgages are cheap. At 4.3 percent on average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, buyer’s costs to own are down by at least a fifth from two years ago. Buyers can get their dream home using someone else’s money!

Tax savings are still prevalent. The combination of mortgage interest and other deduction can bring the cost of owning a home below the cost of renting a comparable residence.

It will be yours! The one benefit of owning that never changes is your ability to make it your own (remodel, landscaping, colors, etc.). How many landlords will let you do that?

Buyers can get better homes in this market. In some markets, it's simply the case that the nicest places are for sale and their prices are significantly less than 2-5 years ago.

Owning a home offers some inflation protection. Historically, appreciation over time outpaces inflation.

Buying a home is a capital investment. When the economy picks up, a buyer will benefit of the appreciation and be living in the home of their choice.

Buying a home is essentially forced savings. Each month a party of the buyer’s payment goes to equity.

The choice of inventory is incredible now. There are some 4 million homes available today -- about a year's supply. Now is the time for a buyer to get the home of their dreams.

Sooner or later the market will clear out the current inventory. The U.S. is expected to grow by another 100 million people in 40 years. These people have to live somewhere, so demand will eventually outpace supply.

Everything is cyclical. History shows that what goes down eventually comes back up due to improvements in the economy and changes in demographics. When investors and builders are buying – this is a great indicator for other buyers to jump in. Owning real estate is still the best investment anyone can make over a 2-5 year period.

Source: Wall Street Journal, Brett Arends (9/16/10)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

7 Major Lenders Ordered To Review Foreclosure Procedures.

By Ariana Eunjung Cha
Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, September 30, 2010; 8:34 PM

A top federal bank regulator said Thursday that he has directed seven of the nation's largest lenders to review their foreclosure processes after learning about the widespread mishandling of homeowner evictions by the industry.

John Walsh, acting director of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, told lawmakers during a hearing on the financial regulatory overhaul enacted this summer that some lenders "clearly had deficiencies" in their system for foreclosures.

The banks contacted by regulators include J.P. Morgan Chase, which announced Wednesday that it was freezing 56,000 foreclosures after finding errors in its preparation of documents, according to OCC spokesman Kevin Mukri. Other lenders contacted include Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, PNC Bank, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo.

"We both want to see that they fix the processing problems but also to look to see whether there is specific harm [that has been caused] in individual cases," Walsh said.

Revelations about widespread paperwork problems with foreclosures led Ally Financial, another major lender, to suspend evictions last week in 23 states where a court order is required to seize a property. Since then, the industry's handling of foreclosures has come under close scrutiny from regulators, with attorneys general in several other states calling for Ally to halt foreclosures.

The paperwork problems range from potentially forged documents to bank employees who never read borrowers' files before signing off on an eviction.

In J.P. Morgan's case, Mukri said the bank "determined that its affidavit procedures were non-compliant with foreclosure processing requirements in some states." He added that although J.P. Morgan has fixed internal procedures, the "negative impact or harm to customers has not been determined at this point."

Mukri would not comment about other banks but said that the OCC has teams permanently stationed at each one and that those teams have been in close contact with senior management at the banks to ensure the reviews are completed in a timely manner.

Citibank declined to comment on the OCC's request but said it has strong training to ensure that employees in its foreclosure group are aware that they should have personal knowledge of the information in documents that require this before signing them and that staffing levels are adequate to allow them to review them properly.

There was no immediate comment from the other banks on Thursday.

Walsh made the remarks in response to questions from Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) about the spreading problem with foreclosure processing.

Referencing a front-page article in The Washington Post, Dodd said the stories about lenders initiating improper foreclosures "was very troubling" and asked the nation's top bank regulators to comment on the matter during a hearing on financial regulatory reform.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila C. Bair and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, who also testified during the hearing, each weighed in on the problem.

Bair, whose agency insures deposits at thousands of U.S. banks, called the issue of document processing errors "troubling" and said "it's just a further indication of how wrong we went with the mortgage origination process and securitization process."

Bernanke said that "it's been a managerial challenge to the banks to deal with these foreclosure modifications." And, he added, "they haven't always met that challenge."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

10 Reasons why it's good to buy a home.

10 Reasons To Buy a Home

by Brett Arends
Thursday, September 16, 2010
provided by

Brett Arends explains why owning a home is a good thing.

Enough with the doom and gloom about homeownership.

Sure, maybe there's more pain to come in the housing market. But when Time magazine starts running covers that declare "Owning a home may no longer make economic sense," it's time to say: Enough is enough. This is what "capitulation" looks like. Everyone has given up.

After all, at the peak of the bubble five years ago, Time had a different take. "Home Sweet Home," declared its cover then, as it celebrated the boom and asked: "Will your house make your rich?"

But it's not enough just to be contrarian. So here are 10 reasons why it's good to buy a home.

1. You can get a good deal. Especially if you play hardball. This is a buyer's market. Most of the other buyers have now vanished, as the tax credits on purchases have just expired. We're four to five years into the biggest housing bust in modern history. And prices have come down a long way— about 30% from their peak, according to Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller Index, which tracks home prices in 20 big cities. Yes, it's mixed. New York is only down 20%. Arizona has halved. Will prices fall further? Sure, they could. You'll never catch the bottom. It doesn't really matter so much in the long haul.

Where is fair value? Fund manager Jeremy Grantham at GMO, who predicted the bust with remarkable accuracy, said two years ago that home prices needed to fall another 17% to reach fair value in relation to household incomes. Case-Shiller since then: Down 18%.

2. Mortgages are cheap. You can get a 30-year loan for around 4.3%. What's not to like? These are the lowest rates on record. As recently as two years ago they were about 6.3%. That drop slashes your monthly repayment by a fifth. If inflation picks up, you won't see these mortgage rates again in your lifetime. And if we get deflation, and rates fall further, you can refi.

3. You'll save on taxes. You can deduct the mortgage interest from your income taxes. You can deduct your real estate taxes. And you'll get a tax break on capital gains—if any—when you sell. Sure, you'll need to do your math. You'll only get the income tax break if you itemize your deductions, and many people may be better off taking the standard deduction instead. The breaks are more valuable the more you earn, and the bigger your mortgage. But many people will find that these tax breaks mean owning costs them less, often a lot less, than renting.

4. It'll be yours. You can have the kitchen and bathrooms you want. You can move the walls, build an extension—zoning permitted—or paint everything bright orange. Few landlords are so indulgent; for renters, these types of changes are often impossible. You'll feel better about your own place if you own it than if you rent. Many years ago, when I was working for a political campaign in England, I toured a working-class northern town. Mrs. Thatcher had just begun selling off public housing to the tenants. "You can tell the ones that have been bought," said my local guide. "They've painted the front door. It's the first thing people do when they buy." It was a small sign that said something big.

5. You'll get a better home. In many parts of the country it can be really hard to find a good rental. All the best places are sold as condos. Money talks. Once again, this is a case by case issue: In Miami right now there are so many vacant luxury condos that owners will rent them out for a fraction of the cost of owning. But few places are so favored. Generally speaking, if you want the best home in the best neighborhood, you're better off buying.

6. It offers some inflation protection. No, it's not perfect. But studies by Professor Karl "Chip" Case (of Case-Shiller), and others, suggest that over the long-term housing has tended to beat inflation by a couple of percentage points a year. That's valuable inflation insurance, especially if you're young and raising a family and thinking about the next 30 or 40 years. In the recent past, inflation-protected government bonds, or TIPS, offered an easier form of inflation insurance. But yields there have plummeted of late. That also makes homeownership look a little better by contrast.

7. It's risk capital. No, your home isn't the stock market and you shouldn't view it as the way to get rich. But if the economy does surprise us all and start booming, sooner or later real estate prices will head up again, too. One lesson from the last few years is that stocks are incredibly hard for most normal people to own in large quantities—for practical as well as psychological reasons. Equity in a home is another way of linking part of your portfolio to the long-term growth of the economy—if it happens—and still managing to sleep at night.

8. It's forced savings. If you can rent an apartment for $2,000 month instead of buying one for $2,400 a month, renting may make sense. But will you save that $400 for your future? A lot of people won't. Most, I dare say. Once again, you have to do your math, but the part of your mortgage payment that goes to principal repayment isn't a cost. You're just paying yourself by building equity. As a forced monthly saving, it's a good discipline.

9. There is a lot to choose from. There is a glut of homes in most of the country. The National Association of Realtors puts the current inventory at around 4 million homes. That's below last year's peak, but well above typical levels, and enough for about a year's worth of sales. More keeping coming onto the market, too, as the banks slowly unload their inventory of unsold properties. That means great choice, as well as great prices.

10. Sooner or later, the market will clear. Demand and supply will meet. The population is forecast to grow by more than 100 million people over the next 40 years. That means maybe 40 million new households looking for homes. Meanwhile, this housing glut will work itself out. Many of the homes will be bought. But many more will simply be destroyed—either deliberately, or by inaction. This is already happening. Even two years ago, when I toured the housing slump in western Florida, I saw bankrupt condo developments that were fast becoming derelict. And, finally, a lot of the "glut" simply won't matter: It's concentrated in a few areas, like Florida and Nevada. Unless you live there, the glut won't have any long-term impact on housing supply in your town.

Friday, August 27, 2010


OPEN HOUSE                  SATURDAY   10/9/2010                  11 AM - 3 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Remember to smile today, because your actions directly and indirectly affect everyone around you. Happy Thursday!


Monday, August 16, 2010

July Foreclosures Drop Nearly 10% from a Year Ago: RealtyTrac

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010, 11:00 pm

Foreclosure filings in July dropped 9.7% from the same month last year, the second straight month of yearly declines, according to RealtyTrac, an online foreclosure marketplace.

After a 1% yearly increase in May, filings declined 6.9% on an annual basis in June and the nearly 10% drop in July. There were 325,229 properties that received a foreclosure filing in July, a 4% increase from May. It also marks the 17th consecutive month that foreclosure activity exceeded 300,000, said James Saccacio, CEO of RealtyTrac.

Saccacio added that default notices were down from the previous year for the sixth straight month in July as servicers and lenders have escalated repossessions (REOs) to near-record levels.

In July 97,123 properties received a default notice, a 28% decrease from July 2009 but a 1% increase from the previous month. Default notices are down 32% from the 142,064 peak in April 2009.

But 92,858 properties went back to the banks as REO in July, the second highest monthly total since RealtyTrac began tracking them in April 2005. It's 1% below the peak in May when there were 93,777 REO properties reported.

Nevada holds the highest foreclosure rate of any other state for 43rd consecutive month. There, one in 82 houses received a filing in July, and 13,727 total properties received a filing. That is a 7% uptick from last month but a 30% decrease from last year. July marks the 10th straight month of yearly decreases for Nevada.

Arizona held the second highest foreclosure rate. There, one in every 167 houses received a foreclosure filing, even though filings dropped year-over-year for the sixth straight month. Florida was third, where one in 171 houses received a filing. California registered the fourth highest, where one in 200 houses received a filing.

On the metropolitan-statistical area (MSA) level, the top-10 areas are showing a "bumpy downward trend," according to RealtyTrac. While those areas all showed decreases from last year in July, five of them had decreases from the previous month. The Las Vegas-Paradise area, where one in 71 houses received a foreclosure filing in July, had a 9% increase from the previous month.

Filings in the Cape Coral-Fort Meyers, Fla. area increased 21% from June, and the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale area had a 19% climb, the two biggest increases in the country.


Friday, August 13, 2010


Please come visit my open house in Newport Beach Saturday 8/14, from 11 am - 3 pm. Amazing deal. Over 6000 square feet of living space for only $1,999,999.

526 Riverside Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Monday, August 9, 2010

Live, Love, Yoga & Real Estate

I think I'm going to rename this blog, "Live, Love, Yoga, Real Estate." It kind of goes hand in hand with my old "mind, body & business" motto. I've grown a lot since then though, and I'm much more than just mind, body and business these days. I'm also spirit, love, health and laughter. On a side note, I really wish I could add music to this blog. I have a great Muse song playing in the background, and it sets the mood perfectly. Anyway, not to digress, I am changing things. I'm not just going to do what I think everybody else wants me to do. I'm going to try being me for a change. I started this blog to be purely business related. But, then I got bored. I'm much more than just that, so now I'm just going to post whatever moves me at each moment. Don't worry, there will be plenty of real estate updates, but lots of other stuff, too. And yes, I'm going to add yoga into the equation. This may or may not work, but my next question is for who? My potential prospective clients? Well, being that I have 3 followers so far and one is my husband (and I've probably had this blog for about a year), I'm not sure what I've been doing up to this point has been working so well. So, now I'm just going to have fun, and make this a true Web Log. I'll say this in advance, if I offend anyone ever...view something else. Finally, if anyone is ever looking for a different kind of Realtor, give me a call: 949-922-1708.

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I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!

My listing at 526 Riverside is now ONLY $1,999,999. This is unbelievable. This property was originally listed at 3 million dollars! This home is now priced lower than the bank owned distress sales. This property boasts over 6,075 square feet of living space, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, and it's located in the highly desirable enclave of Newport Heights. It will be held open every Saturday from 11 am - 3 pm. Please stop by, take a look, and make us an offer.

526 Riverside Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92663

On a more personal note:  after taking a short break from real estate, I'm diving back in head first. Only this time, I'm wearing protective eye wear, ear plugs, and a wet suit. I'm doing it differently. I plan on taking everything I know and that I've learned throughout the years and integrating it into everything that I do. I will make real estate work for me instead of me working for real estate. Most of all, it's got to be fun, because if it's not, I won't do it. I believe that the work you do can be very fulfilling. Once it stops being fulfilling, then something's got to change. Even the best job in the world can become cumbersome if you're not careful. Part time, I teach yoga (my dream job), but even that can feel like work sometimes. This time around, I want all of my work to feel less like work, and I plan on making this happen by setting boundaries. I'm not going to go into much detail about this, but so far so good. I'm smiling a lot lately. I hope you do, too.